Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bibbity boppity

Last weekend I went to a baby shower and made some bibs to give the mother-to-be. She is having a little boy so I used what boyish fabric I had for these cute little guys:

While I was going through my fabric stash for her gift and since I had bibs on the brain, I kept on seeing fabric that I thought would be super adorable as baby bibs (for little girls...). I simply couldn't resist and had to make more bibs. If I'm already making 2 bibs, why not make 6?

I seriously think they are so cute. But I'm probably biased.

I have absolutely no use for these cute bibs so I decided to list them on etsy to sell (from a shop I opened forever ago and haven't really used). I figure if they don't sell, I can always save them for future baby gifts. Sounds good to me.