Saturday, February 27, 2010

Coin Purse Tutorial!!

Lately (and partly due to the influence of my adorable sister-in-law) I've been obsessed with coin purses. They are cute. Like really, really cute. A while back I saw a tutorial for this gorgeous glitter coin/clutch purse refashion, but my husband is anti-glitter (like really anti-glitter) so I had to rethink my options.

On a trip to the thrift store I decided to pick up some coin purses and go to town trying to make them cute. Well, here is my first attempt (and it took me a looooong time to finish this cutie - not because it was hard but because I wanted to make sure it was what I really wanted).

First, I detached the fabric from my frame and made a pattern (just on regular paper... I simply traced around the frame and then drew my chosen shape for the rest of it).

Then, I used that pattern and cut fabric for the outside layer (an adorable gray with polka dots) and for the inside (a sturdy cream corduroy). I also cut some iron-on interfacing at a later stage, realizing it would probably be a good idea to have the added stability.

Next, I decided I wanted a ribbon embellishment. So I grabbed some double-sided fusible interfacing (the no-sew kind because I felt lazy) and attached my ribbon to both sides of the outer fabric.

Then I took a shorter piece of ribbon, folded it in half and hand-stitched it (just in the center) to one-side.

Then hand-stitched a button on top of that.

This was the point when I realized I should add some interfacing, so I attached it to the back (wrong side) of just the outer fabric.

With right sides together, pin the outer pieces to each other. Repeat with the lining. Mark where to sew and sew pieces together.

Clip the curves (just in the seam allowances) and turn right side out.  Fit the lining inside the outer fabric.

Match up the openings and baste stitch (your machines longest straight stitch) to keep them together (not all four layers... just thought I should clarify in case anyone is confused).

At this point I took a monthish long break because I was unsure of how to attach my purse to the frame and then I moved and didn't have time. I'm still not sure if I did it the best possible way but here is what I came up with...

Using a toothpick I dabbed some E-6000 glue (a thickish layer) into the frame (I did one side at a time).

I pushed my fabric into the frame (starting at the center and working my way to the sides). My fabric was pretty thick and stiff so it was easy to work with. If yours is flimsy try using a piece of flat plastic cut to shape to help you get it in. Then, I used some hemp and pushed it into the gap. I used the flat part of a can opener  in a multi-tool and pushed the hemp in as far as it would go.

Then I used some pliers to squish the metal together (with fabric between to prevent scratching of the metal).

Repeat on the other side. Remove excess glue from the frame (I used my fingernail...) and let dry completely.

I am so happy with how it turned out!!

Linking up with:
Tatertots and Jello Weekend Wrap Up
Metamorphosis Monday
The DIY Show Off
Making the World Cuter
Keeping it Simple: Motivate Me Monday  
It's So Very Creative

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Clementine's Crate

This project has been mostly done for the better part of a month and I finally got around to finishing it and taking pictures...

I LOVE clementines and how plentiful they are during the winter. Yum, yum, yum. We always get them whenever they are on sale and in December some of my clementines came in this cute little wooden crate.

For some reason I couldn't throw it out. I kept it around and one day decided to spray-paint it, add some distressing, and put it to use.

It is now in my bedroom holding my makeup and a flat-iron. Yay for recycling!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Guest Post: Floralshowers Craft Blog

I'm so excited to have Anne guest posting today! She is fantastic, so enjoy! --Jess

Hi Everybody! I am so excited that Jessica has asked me to be a guest blogger on All For This Penny! My name is Anne and I can be found over at Floralshowers Craft Blog. I am a big fan of everything crafty: crocheting, sewing and hot glueing (this is a new one since I just barely became a proud owner of a glue gun). I love finding crafty inspirations around the web and I love creating new things.

A few weeks ago Jessica came over to my house and taught me how to applique. (Jessica and I have actually been friends for quite awhile...we met in High School, where we had drivers ed and a sewing class together...and after graduation we were roommates for our first year of college. Ah, the memories!  =)  Anyhow, I had a project in mind that was inspired by Next To Heaven's idea to make Handprint Towels. When I saw the little towels she made, I just HAD to make some myself...but since I didn't know how to applique Jessica kindly came over and taught me and now I will teach you...he he. 

For this project you will need:

* Fabric
* Hand Towel
* Heat n' Bond Light iron-on adhesive

Step 1: Trace your child's hand onto the adhesive paper. (Remembering that the fabric will be attached to the back side so your image will be reversed when you are done.)

Step 2:  Iron your adhesive paper onto the WRONG side of your fabric, following the directions on the package. After it cools, go ahead and cut out the hand print. 

Step 3:  Now you can peel the paper off. The adhesive will be stuck on the back side of your fabric and it will look all pretty and shiny but it wont be sticky. (I think this is the coolest part of this adhesive stuff...I know, so technical here.)

Step 4:  Now you can lay your handprints out on your towel to decide where you want them to go. Then iron them into place.

Step 5: Now you can just do a tight zig zag stitch around your applique. (You can do a decorative hand stitch if you want...but I am kind of impatient) I also sewed some ribbon, and ric-rac along the bottom of my towel.

And then you are done... and it is all ready for your child to run over to it and wipe their dirty chocolate covered face all over it---- not that I would know that from experience =) 

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Check it out - I'm being featured on Floralshowers Craft Blog today. Thanks Anne!

And for those of you who need a little visual stimulation (I'm one, too), here's a little sneakpeak...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fashion Show at Lunch

Remember how I started a new job? Well, for the past few weeks I have been carrying around my lunch in a very unattractive grocery sack. And feeling lame all-the-while. So, I finally came around to whipping me up something cute to carry my lunch around in. Here is what I originally came up with:

Huge huh? I don't know what I was thinking. And I couldn't bring myself to carry around a monster lunch sack. So I cut it in half and now have this:

Muuuuuch better! I love, love, love it! The fabric. The ruffle. The bright, happy yellow lining (which I don't have a picture of...).

I'm so glad I don't have to use a grocery sack anymore!

Linking up with Today's Creative Blog, My Frugal Family: Talented Tuesday, and Creative Itch

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Embroidery Love

I have to give myself a huge pat on the back. I made something! Hooray for me! And what did I make? Oh, just a little something to celebrate Valentine's Day with.

I saw the idea months and months (possibly a year or more so) ago to embroider initials in a heart (in the vein of carving your initials on a tree). I started out with that idea in mind and then once I got started I had to add more happy colors and fun stitches.

I was going to surprise my husband with it, but about a week ago he caught me making it. Oh well. It is still cute and I'm not very good at surprises anyway. :)

And yes, I did paint my embroidery hoop purple. It just needed a little something to make it pretty. 

I'm linking up with:
Floral Showers - Creative Craft Thursday
Treasures for Tots - Thursday's Treasures 
Today's Creative Blog

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Things may be slower around here for a little while. Some big changes have taken place over the last couple of weeks and I probably won't have as much time to craft in the next couple of months.

I got a full-time job (big change from my part-timer lifestyle) that also resulted in a move. Because of the new job I have decidedly less time to craft to my hearts content. I'm not planning on stopping altogether (I don't think I could) but things will be a little sparse for a while. Hopefully once I adjust to my new life things will pick up some. In the mean time, please be patient with me.

And because no post should be without, here is a photo. Sure, it has nothing to do with crafts but it still makes me happy.