Friday, September 30, 2011

Navy navy navy (beans?)

Guess what? It is another post about my house. Lucky you?

Last Christmas we got an awesome TV and since then it has been hanging out on a Lifetime folding table... which isn't so awesome. I knew what I wanted for a TV stand - a dresser with the top drawer removed and a shelf in its place. Nothing too specific right? Ha. But I am cheap and lazy so I never got around to finding what I wanted at a price I was willing to pay. But luckily I have awesome friends who, when they found out my TV stand dreams, sold me the dresser they don't really use.

It went from this:

To this:

I could have left it cream but it wasn't the prettiest against my yellowish-cream walls and I really was itching for something navy. So navy it became!

I wish I could have kept the original hardware as it was pretty and ornate but one of the handles was broken so I had to replace them all. Luckily brushed silver looks great against navy.

My hot husband installing the shelf.

It was a lot of fun to work on this project with my husband - he made the shelf, drilled holes in the back (so cords could be plugged in), and fixed problems with the drawers. I'm so so so happy to have a real TV stand!

The view from my couch. Awww... perfect! Well, except for the husband's backpack in my shot... :)