Monday, March 14, 2011


So... I haven't even looked at this blog in months. Whoops. Oh well. Life happens. Winter isn't my most productive time of the year. BUT now that spring is on its way, I've got a few projects in mind.

First, I want to turn this very large picture and frame (I left my husband's shoes in the picture so you could get an idea of how big it is) into a chalkboard for my kitchen. I have grand ideas of it containing our menu for the week. I'm thinking of painting the frame either a happy blue or plum color... probably plum. Oh, and guess how much the frame cost? $5. Thank you, Salvation Army.

Also, here is another thrift store purchase (this time it cost me less than a $1). I started wrapping it with some gray yarn I already had on hand but got bored. I'm planning on finishing it eventually. But maybe it won't be gray... not sure.

Yay for cheap plastic Easter eggs. I'm planning on paper mache-ing these little guys, painting them in an array of Easter-y colors and attaching them to a wreath form (with hot glue, of course), maybe with some moss... in my head it looks awesome. I guess I really love wreaths... yup, I do.

Also, remember last year when I posted regularly and made candy corn embroidery hoops? Well, here is what is currently hanging out in those embroidery hoops. So springy and cheerful!