Friday, June 1, 2012

What?! A new post!?!

So I'm pretty much the worst blogger ever. And I don't really care. Sorry if anyone does.

BUT, I did make something blog worthy this past week. I have a friend at church who is about to have her first baby and she has hired me to make her some baby clothes. So far I've only made one thing but it turned out pretty great. 

She showed me a romper that she really loved and I tried to replicate it. My first try with my homemade pattern turned out a little wonky, but I fixed the pattern as I went and the final romper turned out awesome.

Pretty good copycat amirite? It is size 12 months so her baby won't be able to wear it for awhile but once he does, he will be a-freakin-dorable. Seriously.

Here are some of the details:

button closure on shoulder, snaps at crotch, bias trim, and side ruching

It was pretty simple to make once the pattern was done... so if anyone wants one for their baby, I'm for hire! But I would only be able to make it in size 12 months. :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Deer Silhouette

Happy Valentine's Day! 

Remember how in the awesome party in a box post, I mentioned that I also added a gift she could open up at the party? Well, here is that gift.

Deer kitchen towels. S'cute right? I guess I am not over my deer/antler phase.

First, print off a deer silhouette (I found mine with an easy google search). 

Trace it onto the paper side of freezer paper and then cut it out. I had to use tiny, sharp scissors to get to all the small places.

my deer all cut out and ironed on my towel
Once your deer is cut out, iron the shiny side of the freezer paper onto your towel. Make sure the freezer paper adheres well to the towel.

Grab some fabric paint (I found my at Joanns) and a stencil foam brush (a regular foam brush would probably work fine, too) and dab that paint on.

Let dry for a few hours or pull out your blow dryer (if you are impatient).

Once it is dry, gently pull off your stencil. It should come off very easily and you are done!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Party in a Box

This gift is what happens when I am terribly homesick, have too much time on my hands, and my sister is turning 30 (TODAY!).

In the box

Yup, an awesome party in a box. Included: paper lanterns, cupcake liners, glittery boxes, napkins, confetti, sprinkles, happy birthday banner, and adorable paper straws. Oh, and a horse (it's for fun). At the last minute (therefore not pictured), I even added a gift she could open at the party (because, honestly, parties are more fun with presents).

This is the most effort/thought I've ever put into a gift. Ever. I'm usually too cheap and too pragmatic to do something like this. Everything coordinates and almost everything is labeled. I even opened the cupcake liners so I could change part of the packaging.

Labels, labels, labels

The part I love the most? The horse. Why? Because it makes me laugh. It started out as a gray dollar store toy and turned into a white dollar store treasure... with a label.

Happy Birthday Liz! I hope all your dreams come true!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ruffled Baby Jeggings

Even though I've been very, very absent from the blogging world lately I've still been making stuff. Most of it I don't care to photograph and put up but this I just had to share; I think it is so cute.

the gift. ready to be packaged and sent.

My good friend of forever (seriously, we've been friends since elementary school, people) is having her first baby next month. A little girl. And I just had to send her a little package of homemade baby goodies. Included was a cute bib and some hair bows and... these baby jeggings.

They are so cute they kill me (trust me, they are even cuter in person... it was pretty hard to get good photos... darn winter). I found some jegging material (looks like jean/denim material but is actually stretchy spandex) in the remnant section that I couldn't resist and used a baby legging pattern I had on hand. My only concern is the crotch is super super long. I understand the length somewhat because the pants have to go over diaper butt but does it seriously need to be thaaat long? I hope they fit decently.

The ruffles on the ankles are my favorite part. I hope my friend loves these as much as I do. I love them so much I might have to make another pair for whenever we have a baby girl of our own.